The NDMA invite application for the currently seeking to hire new teams membər in the teams: the selection is purely on a contract basis; the packages are for the initial for 24 months; the selection is on a merit basis for all post given in the advertisement The eligible candidates send their hard copy of their education document on the post address of NDMA The address is given in the detail section The interested candidate sends their document befor the closing date The closing date counts after the advertisement date for 15 days. the interested candidate read the advertisement and than applied
Important Details |
Title | Join the Pakistan Army |
Last date | 22 Nov 2024 |
Online Apply | |
Age | 17.5 To 23 Years Most Postions |
Offline Apply | PO Box No. 3356, GPO, Islamabad |
Location | Pakistan |
No Of Poste | 7 |
vacancy | Multipule |
Avalible Positions |
Education Required |
Deadline/Height Requied |
Deadline: The interested candidate sends their document befor the closing date The closing date counts after the advertisement date for 15 days
How To Apply |
The interested candidate sends their hard copy of all available documents to the address of GPO, which is given in the details section. The selection is solely on the merit basis for the test and interview; no TA DA is yet to be given
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